Sacrifice Seemed Worth It.hualien Airport Is Located in Xincheng Township, Hualien County, North of Downtown Hualien. It Is an Airport with a Long History. It Was a Military-Civilian Airport During the Japanese Occupation Period. Later, the Government Opened Up International Charter Flights and Became the First Type B Airport to Open International Flights. It Is an Important Gateway for Eastern Airlines. During the Japanese Occupation, the Taiwan Governor's Office Established Taiwan's First Aviation Agency: the Taiwan Governor's Office Police Bureau Aviation Class to Investigate the Alpine
Terrain and Implement the "Lifan" Policy. During t shirt design the Taisho Year, the Police Plane and Flight Crew Arrived at the Galiwan Airfield in Hualien to Conduct "Fan Land" Flying Operations Under the Jurisdiction of the Hualien Port Office, in Order to Promote Japan's National Prestige and Make the Aborigines Submit to Submission. Jialiwan Airfield Is Hualien Port Airfield, Which Is Today's Hualien (North) Airport. in the 2nd Year of the Showa Era (1927), the Air Class of the Police Bureau Was Abolished, and the Hualien Port Airfield Was Taken Over by the Japanese Army. in the Mid-1930s, in Response to the Development of Civil Aviation Transportation on the Island, the Hualien Port Airfield Began to Provide Civil Aviation Operations and Became a Military-Civilian Airport. at the Same Time, in Response to the Needs of the
War, the Japanese Military Built a Military Airfield in the South of Hualien City, So It Is Located in Hualien. the Two Airports in the North and South of the City Are Distinguished by the Hualien Port (North) Airport and the Hualien Port (South) Airport. in the 34th Year of the Republic of China (The Same Below), After Japan Surrendered, the Nationalist Government Took Over Taiwan. in Terms of Military Takeover, the Air Force Group of the Taiwan Guard Command